Tuesday, 6 March 2018


Blue Faced Lust
Master/Slave Relationship

Review by Joey

Genre/s: Industrial, Power Electronics, Noise
For Fans Of: Negativland, Justine & Juliette, Nervous Gender, Hunting Lodge

I was asked for this specifically, but it's also something I've wanted to review for a while anyway. Master/Slave Relationship is one of my favorite industrial projects, and Blue Faced Lust in particular is my favorite thing put out under that moniker, as well as one of my favorite industrial releases in general. So here we go.

One thing you'll notice about M/SR is the heavy BDSM influence (shocker) which shows up in different ways, namely the heavy and imposing sexual motifs. Power electronics has always been about explorations of power, and M/SR does so through the lens of a domme (i.e. an inversion of the dynamic inherent in heteronormative sex*) to a great effect. The vocals mock you, taunt you, tease you, and hang over your head. The electronics work in tandem, presenting uncomfortable soundscapes which mirror the lyrics; M/SR beautifully -- and brutally -- juxtaposes soft and hard, ambient and harsh, rhythmic and chaotic, soothing and jarring sounds in a tumultuous fashion, which makes for a turbulent and frightening listen.

Go get'em, tiger.

1. Nothing To Love
2. The Dream
3. Some Dry Hopeless Mess
4. People Where They Ought To Be
5. Wait
6. Avoidance
7. Take Over
8. Blue Faced Lust
9. Nothing Happens In This World
10. Inconclusive Thoughts


*Even in BDSM, role reversal does not completely erase the structural and institutional dynamics of power, blah blah there's way too much to get into that I don't have the time/energy for, and so much has been written on this topic that you can just look it up.