Friday 3 April 2015

Military Position - Anti-Human

Military Position

Review by Brayden Bagnall

Genre/s: Power Electronics, Death Industrial
For Fans Of: Puce Mary, Pharmakon, Atrax Morgue, Fejhed, Anenzephalia

I was recently turned onto the excellent Melbourne based noise label, Trapdoor Tapes who specialise in local industrial/power electronics acts. Among their releases was this neat little c22 I got my grubby little digits on and subsequently ripped for your listening pleasure.
Military Position is the nom de plume of noise artist Harriet Kate Morgan, who under this moniker composes stark industrial dirges. Low, droning synth serve as the foundation to each track with both Morgan's bleak vocal delivery and occasional eerie samples punctuating the cold ambience. Much more reliant on minimalism than dynamics or harshness, Military Position's compositions retain a very rudimentary and primal sense of rhythm and structure - there's something vaguely hypnotic about the sparsely populated synth pulses.
If you dig what you read here, I highly recommend a trip to the Trapdoor Tapes webstore - there's this and plenty of other excellent releases available - but in the meantime this sucker's waiting for you at the download link below.

UPDATE: Cheers to Luke from Trapdoor Tapes for providing me with an even better quality rip of the tape which you can find at the link below.

1. We Rot
2. Destruction and Abuse
3. The Personal Is Political
4. Privileged And Weak


1 comment:

  1. hey man - great post - just wondering if you might have a digital link for my favourite recent-ish trapdoor release; the Cold Life 'S/T' Cs??
