Saturday 1 February 2014


Hello there!

Here at Fucked By Noise we (I) like to provide you with some of the gnarliest tunes out there, and as much fun as it is doing that, I am only one person. In lieu of a heap of band submissions coming in recently, plus my ever-growing list of other releases to put on here (also my horrendous procrastination problem, let's not get into that though) I have decided to try and get some new peeps on board.

If you:

- Are interested (and knowledgeable) in grindcore, metal, hardcore, noise, punk, post punk, avant garde, noise rock ANYTHING like that,
- Have a decent internet connection (for uploading and downloading releases), and the know how to do so,
- Are able to write a decent paragraph about a release,

Then you should probably send me an email at, because you sound perfect. Save for a few band submissions, you'll be free to review anything your little heart desires, with no deadlines or criteria. Hit me up if you're interested, even if you just want to ask a few questions.


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